HB 1297
The Legislature is the only source of truth, justice, and the American way.

What is HB 1297?

House Bill 1297 bans the use of both approval voting and ranked choice voting at all levels in North Dakota elections.

Politicians from across the state are trying to tell Fargo voters that their historic vote to adopt approval voting shouldn't count.

That means that better elections that lead to better representation will be outlawed at the state level.

This is an attack on the will of the people and, arguably, the validity and right of Fargo voters to engage in the initiative process.

Who's behind it?

This bill was sponsored by House Representatives Koppelman, Heilman, Heinert, Kasper, and Louser, as well as Senators Castaneda, Clemens, Enget, Paulson, Wobbema, and Larson.

If you're wondering how many of these politicians were actually elected to represent Fargo at all... there's only one: Jim Kasper.

What can I do?

The battle isn't over—now the Senate must vote. You can read the bill and contact YOUR legislators to tell them how you feel.